Pre-workshop activities

Dear participants in the LACS workshop,

On behalf of the LACS team (Janina Zielinska from Poland, Lucka Pristavec from Slovenia, Nicole Thibault from Canada, Sigurborg Jonsdottir from Iceland, Terry Lamb from England, together with Anna Kehl from ECML), I would like to thank you for your interest in our workshop. We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to the ECML and working with you in what we hope will be a highly rewarding experience for everyone.

You will be receiving further information from the ECML shortly, but in the meantime, please take a look at the LACS project website (still under construction with a view to enriching it in the workshop) to familiarise yourselves with the objectives of the project. You will also find a draft programme there - please take a look and get back to me if you want to make any firther suggestions. The plan is for you all to leave the workshop having had the opportunity to share ideas which will be valuable to you in your work with language teacher associations, and with a clearer understanding of the ECML programme and how it can be of value if disseminated in your country. Hopefully we will have also identified new ways in which we can continue to collaborate after the workshop.

In order for everyone to benefit from the opportunity to share, we would like you to do a little preparation before the workshop:

  • If not directly involved in language teacher associations, find out:
    which exist in your country, how they are organised, how they recruit members, and what kind of activities they are involved in, e.g. training events for teachers, publications (books, newsletters, journals, teaching resources), websites, discussion groups, research, policy campaigning etc). Try to speak to someone about their priorities, challenges and ways of overcoming them.
  • Bring some (as many as you like) copies of any publications (newsletters,journals etc) to show other participants.
  • Bring any copies of handbooks on managing an association, running a local branch, planning events etc.
  • Bring copies of publicity materials for your association, events etc.
  • Bring a contribution for the Multikulti evening - some food or drink which is typical of your country.

See you soon,

Terry (on behalf of the LACS team)


Workshop programme
